Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment

PACE Energy Seeking Asbestos and/or Mold Removal and Abatement Contractors (RFP)

Click here to download and view the full RFP.

Your company is invited to submit a qualification and cost proposal for the removal and/or abatement of asbestos and mold in single and multiple residential dwellings throughout Los Angeles County.

Scope of Work

PACE Energy is seeking fully licensed contractor/s to provide the removal and/or abatement of Asbestos and Mold in single and multiple residential dwellings.

The scope of work shall include but is not limited to the removal of materials containing asbestos and related materials and the removal and abatement of mold and moisture, as well as implementing mold and moisture remedies, as appropriate.

PACE Projects:

The homes that will need asbestos and/or mold removal and abatement are single residential dwellings or multiple residential units located in Los Angeles County.  Work will require:


  1. Identification of areas where asbestos is present.
  2. Preparing an implementation plan to fully remove and remediate asbestos that complies with Building & Safety Guidelines, Cal OSHA and EPA requirements.
    • The full removal of asbestos may involve areas heating/cooling air ducts and its components, acoustic ceilings, transite venting, sidings and other areas where laboratory-identified materials that contain asbestos are located.
    • Removal and abatement must meet current Building & Safety Code, licensing requirements, OSHA and EPA requirements in preparing and remediating the affected areas. Areas may also be identified for further future work. Identify moisture sources to promote mold growth and remove all effected mold components.      
  1. Pulling of appropriate permits, if needed.

Mold and Moisture

  1. Identification of areas where mold and/or moisture are located.
  2. Preparation of a moisture and/or mold implementation plan to remove mold and/or moisture that are present according to appropriate Building & Safety Guidelines, Cal OSHA and EPA regulations.
  3. Ensure any mold or moisture is totally removed.
  4. Identification and implementation of appropriate measures to prevent recurrence of moisture and mold.
  5. Pulling appropriate permits, as needed.


The selected contractor must submit appropriate work permits and warranties for work done.

Requirements for the Qualification and Cost Proposal

Interested bidders must:

  1. Hold current California State Licensing Board licenses: B, B-2, C-22, C-61, D-64, D-65, ASB
  2. Appropriate Asbestos Certification
  3. Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) registration.
  4. All proposals must be in the form of cost per linear foot, per square foot or other measurable unit cost.

Submission of Qualification & Bid  

Qualified contractors/companies must submit their written proposal and bid by close of business on Wednesday October 25th, 2023 to:

The Energy Department

Attention:  Thanh Tran

1055 Wilshire Blvd Suite 900E

Los Angeles, CA 90017

For additional information, please contact:


It is expected that PACE will select the successful bid no later than Friday October 27, 2023. All who submit their bid will be informed of the status of their proposal by email.

Click here to download and view the full RFP.


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